mlejane tries to explain why she is so late in posting on her blog...
I'm alive, if that's what y'all are wondering. I still don't own a computer... so posts, as you have noticed, are few and far between these days. I'm sorry if some of you are a bit disappointed not to get the 411 on miss mlejane as frequently as before. I would love to promise to keep better tabs on myself, but under these circumstances I can't really promise that. I have been going through some things recently that I just haven't been able even think about writing about... not much of an excuse, I know... it's kinda like this belated birthday card that I got this year,...
There is this picture of two men with beards wearing robes, one saying to the other: "I was dead! Dead, I tell you! Dead and now I'm alive!" underneath the picture read: Lazarus tries to explain why he was so late in sending a birthday card.I'll post a photo of the card in place of this when LJ's computer comes back... What was really funny about it was that the person who gave me the card thought it was so funny when they bought it that they didn't realize it was a 'belated' she gave it to me 'on-time'... and it made me laugh even more. But anyways, I have one promise I'd like to try to keep, and that's to continue to find the simple beauties of life and to share the little things that make me smile and laugh throughout my days,...
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