where, o where,. . .
So I haven't fallen off the earth. . . I've just up and moved to the heart of Texas with only 5 days notice. Arriving with only two large duffle bags and a backpack I have made the lightest move in the history of my life. I'd like to think that I have just learned to live with a whole lot less, but I only fear that which I will again acquire after some time here. Since I have arrived here I have been busy up to my brows learning the ropes of giving my full time to the Lord and His body. No, I haven't joined a convent,infact, far from such a thing. I have plently of connection with the rest of the world. I meet people everyday who are from various places all over the globe. THE university where I labor is currently just caddy-corner from where I am living. A happy little walk past two of my soon-to-be-favorite coffee houses and wahlah there is the campus. After walking all over the campus I discovered once again the reason I was 'fit' in college. . . the hike from one side to the other is quite the little work out, not to mention the 20 block hike I would take to get home when the buses were running too slow or I had a little time to kill. At any rate, the move has been probably what I have been needing, adding a little more structure to my life in a useful and purposeful direction. Orginially I had planned to come out here on a trial basis, to try out this full time service life. However, unbenounced to both those I have left behind me and those that surround me now, as well as, only just being realized by myself is the thought to just remain here indefinitely until He nudges otherwise. It's kinda crazy. I never wanted to become a Texan. So I guess I just don't look at it that way. Besides, just because I have this feeling to surrender to the Lord doesn't mean that He will do horrible things to me, and by horrible I mean something that I will just absolutely hate. I mean, He does know best. So why do I wrestle and argue with Him so much? I suppose I am just learning to trust Him more, that's all. . . just simply to trust by looking at Him and not all the things around me.